About Me, Elisama (Ella)
Welcome to my page! My name is Elisama, but I am mostly known as Ella in my community. I was born and raised in Brazil, moving to the United States as a young child. Growing up I have always been observant of the special needs community. I was always taught to be nice, and respectful to those with special needs. In my high school I was consistently involved with the Special Olympics and any other programs the school had to offer. there was one student with autism (who until this day talks to me) that received a lot of negative attention, students laughed and avoided him. I never understood the cause behind their actions, but it was around that time in which I decided to pursue a career with children that have special needs.

I began to study psychology at Florida International University and accepted a position with Positive Behavior Supports Corp. based in Ft. Lauderdale, (a company that provides behavioral therapy) as a student analyst. I began my work with children with autism and was truly inspired. The job can be extremely difficult, but the progress I make with these children is the biggest reward I can receive. To witness life change, and be a part of the life change in itself makes this profession the best decision I could have made. My mentor at work really guided me in what is important in this field, which is parent training. New government surveys suggest that 1 in 45 kids are diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder! There are not enough therapists to help children, and the waiting lists keep getting longer along with insurance companies cutting hours for services. In the future, I want to study child developmental psychology and provide parent training services to those who have children on the spectrum. Families from around the globe travel to the US for services, it is extremely important to expand these services to other countries who lack support. Children on the spectrum have changed my life and I would be honored to help change theirs.
When FIU informed students of the 2017 Global Health Study Abroad program I immediately applied and was accepted. I will be based at the Public Health Research Institute of India, where I will be able to closely see the infant and prenatal care in Mysore, India. PHRII has been established since 2007 and works towards empowering women in southern India, spreading knowledge and access to affordable healthcare. I will be able to observe the practices of prenatal care, along with infant care in regards to feeding practices and access to medical care. Working closely with the community and PHRII, I will be able to gain life experience and knowledge as to how healthcare functions in different cultures. As a part of a Global Health Initiative, I will also be able to see how the community is fighting towards spreading the awareness of HIV and working towards accessible and affordable safe family planning.
This blog will illustrate my journey as I submerge myself in a culture and learn about global health initiatives. This experience will be a life changing one, in which my knowledge and perspective of health care will gain new barriers.